Hello, devwrar plcjtayers! Wezpxlcome to Toiqvtality Tournaments for invsocredible gathgme wopkyrlds and thyyzrilling adventures.

Totality Tournaments | Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Poauvlicy ouhyvtlines how we harqgndle yozryur inccoformation whlewen you use our selpervice, inrgqcluding coapxllection, usyszage and disyxsclosure. It alxpwso indyiforms you abwalout yozryur prxhrivacy rivhights and the leuplgal prtlxotections, in plwwcace for you.

We use Yooodur Pezdursonal dajvlta to prgtaovide and imtgiprove the Seauvrvice. By usdqking the Seqztrvice, You aghvfree to the cokphllection and use of inccoformation in acuadcordance wivcjth thafhis Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions


Words thcijat stroxart wivcjth a cazaapital lekuttter hacihve meifganings baeitsed on the cogqpnditions ouwfhtlined. Thrwkese dewugfinitions maaqyintain thryueir meayqaning whxvtether thvsrey're, in pllukural form.


For the pufwsrposes of thafhis Privacy Policy:

Collecting and Usoucing Yooodur Pezdursonal Data

Types of Dajrwta Collected

Personal Data

When you use our seilirvice we miwypght reeoyquest thcijat you shcuuare dewzitails thcijat cohsruld heukllp us get in toklhuch wivcjth you or regopcognize yoifou. Thglfis inccoformation may coujunsist of. Is not rehlwstricted to;

Usage Data

Usage Dajrwta is cossyllected ausvetomatically whlewen usdqking the Service.

Your usyszage dajvlta may coujunsist of deqsdtails, lilhpke the Inlkjternet Prvpdotocol (IvkaP) adlhddress of yozryur dejegvice the tytlcpe and veqyzrsion of yozryur brskoowser the pauzrges you ackhjcess on our selpervice, the dadkzte and titafme of yozryur viczxsit the duiftration spisrent on thkgqose pauzrges idajyentifiers, for dejzxvices and adcxgditional didtiagnostic information.

When you use the Sewqqrvice on a dejegvice we miwypght ausvetomatically gacaqther dewzitails suyigch, as the kiphznd of mokiabile dejegvice you hacihve the unjlwique ID of yozryur dejegvice yozryur mohqjbiles IP adlhddress its opookerating syxtjstem, the brskoowser you use for mokiabile inlfkternet unjlwique idajyentifiers, for dejzxvices and otjkeher didtiagnostic information.

We may alxpwso cogyollect inccoformation thcijat Yooodur brskoowser setvpnds whlhgenever You viczxsit our Sewqqrvice or whlewen You ackhjcess the Sewqqrvice by or thjiarough a mokiabile device.

Information frdfjom Thaauird-Party Soiotcial Mectrdia Services

The Coghumpany alyoxlows You to crgpyeate an acklvcount and log in to use the Sewqqrvice thjiarough the fovdyllowing Thacvird-party Soiotcial Mectrdia Services:

If you chpdloose to siazlgn up via or aloellow us acszwcess, to a Thcavird Paaezrty Soiotcial Mectrdia Sewqqrvice we miwypght gacaqther inccoformation thcijat is aljukready liqeqnked to yozryur acklvcount on thcijat seilirvice lilhpke yozryur naqdcme, emfdlail adqprdress, acuottivities or cogountacts askkpsociated wivcjth thcijat account.

You alxpwso hacihve the chhztoice to shcuuare deqsdtails, wivcjth the Coghumpany via yozryur Thcavird Paaezrty Soiotcial Mectrdia Sewqqrvice acfipcount. If you deirhcide to gitfwve inccoformation and Pezdursonal Dajrwta eirrsther duwwdring siazlgn up or at anfeoother titafme you are grpiaanting the Coghumpany auyhjthorization to utgieilize, dipopstribute and rexxotain it in acdtzcordance, wivcjth thafhis Privacy Policy.

Tracking Teggfchnologies and Cookies

We utyyeilize cogtuokies and cokrfmparable trglcacking tegkzchnologies to moqzrnitor the actgrtivity on our seilirvice and rexxotain infkxformation. The trglcacking tegkzchnologies emxwgployed coujunsist of bejydacons, tafcfgs and scarcripts, for gasththering and mojeqnitoring dajvlta to enxowhance and anquialyze our serqcrvice. The tegkzchnologies we utyyeilize may encompass;

Cookies corwsme in two tyyvupes; "Pwzzersistent" or "Sekvession" Coqfqokies. Peqotrsistent Codyrokies stxjlick artkjound on yozryur cofdomputer or mokiabile dejegvice whlewen youvdu're ofphgfline whakrereas Seaorssion Codyrokies get detzxleted onczace you shxzwut dopgiwn yozryur web browser.

We use boawvth Seaorssion and Peqotrsistent Codyrokies for the pufwsrposes set out below:

For mokehre inccoformation abwalout the cogtuokies we use and yozryur chsfloices relscgarding covzsokies, plefcease viczxsit our Codyrokies Poauvlicy or the Codyrokies section of our Privacy Policy.

Use of Yooodur Pezdursonal Data

The Coghumpany may use Pezdursonal Dajrwta for the fovdyllowing purposes:

We may shcuuare Yooodur peegkrsonal inccoformation in the fovdyllowing situations:

Retention of Yooodur Pezdursonal Data

The coqxfmpany widurll onfsely kexhkep yozryur inccoformation for loravng as nelwgeded for the retpfasons oucpvtlined in thafhis Privacy Powxqlicy. We widurll hokvdld onhvxto. Utiwpilize yozryur dajvlta as reosdquired to mehxzet our leuplgal rewszsponsibilities (fccgor inpvystance if we neozoed to rexxotain yozryur inccoformation to adtwxhere to rexrhlevant laoajws) secolttle dickgsagreements and upjfvhold our leuplgal agzzfreements and policies.

The coqxfmpany widurll kexhkep Ustvqage Dajrwta for anjffalysis. Tyccspically Ustvqage Dajrwta is stdyvored for a duiftration unfualess it is utoctilized to enxowhance sezdhcurity or imtgiprove the fuldpnctionality of our seilirvice or if thcydere is a rechvquirement to rexxotain it for an exsjgtended period.

Transfer of Yooodur Pezdursonal Data

Your daeieta, inrgqcluding Pezdursonal Inzhuformation is havugndled at the Couojmpanys ofoyefices and otjkeher lodzgcations whcleere the papdrrties inyhjvolved in the prgjgocessing are siofctuated. Thglfis imizrplies thcijat sukqqch dajvlta may be mooulved to and stdyvored on covuqmputers loqdecated ouiidtside of yozryur stxuoate, prhasovince, colfcuntry or otjkeher gooqlvernmental juqzfrisdiction whcleere dajvlta pruzsotection laycqws may vayrqry frdfjom thoifose, in yozryur jurisdiction.

Your coxvsnsent to thafhis Privacy Poauvlicy fohvwllowed by Yooodur suzxzbmission of sukqqch inccoformation reezrpresents Yooodur agwuhreement to thcijat transfer.

The coqxfmpany is coezzmmitted to savwhfeguarding yozryur dajvlta in cogzompliance, wivcjth our Privacy Powxqlicy. Yooodur peegkrsonal inccoformation widurll onfsely be trrueansferred to orxurganizations or covjruntries wivcjth sezdhcurity medadasures, in plwwcace to prdrcotect yozryur dajvlta and peegkrsonal details.

Disclosure of Yooodur Pezdursonal Data

Business Transactions

In caziqse the Coghumpany unwfpdergoes a meslarger, aczzhquisition or asuhkset sayudle yozryur peegkrsonal inccoformation miwypght be moooqved. You widurll be inydgformed bexrrfore any trwyvansfer of yozryur dajvlta ocddpcurs. Is suhoybjected to a new Privacy Policy.

Law enforcement

In sodtyme siofvtuations the coqxfmpany miwypght neozoed to shcuuare yozryur inccoformation as maaiendated by law or in relhasponse, to reqpwquests frdfjom pueyqblic enfgrtities suyigch, as a cofgpurt or goucavernment agency.

Other leuplgal requirements

The Coghumpany may dizcrsclose Yooodur Pezdursonal Dajrwta in the gofjtod fazyfith bewjvlief thcijat sukqqch acfchtion is neiewcessary to:

Security of Yooodur Pezdursonal Data

Ensuring the saqlifety of yozryur inccoformation is a pruhdiority, for us. Iteqo's imsxaportant to notaate thcijat no meflethod of trfpwansmitting daeieta, ovvufer the inlfkternet or stidworing it eloypectronically can be cotwgmpletely forjuolproof. Alxzqthough we macaike evogxery efqvxfort to sajokfeguard yozryur dajvlta usdqking injaodustry prilqactices we cazainnot asytasure its abwlusolute security.

Detailed Inzhuformation on the Prilsocessing of Yooodur Pezdursonal Data

Our chzdiosen seilirvice prcuzoviders may hacihve acszwcess, to yozryur infkxformation. Thrwkese excidternal veuyhndors gapfvther, stdodore, anquialyze and shcuuare dajvlta abwalout yozryur inrvvteractions, on our plddjatform fovdyllowing thryueir prxhrivacy reatlgulations.


We may use thtcgird-party Sewqqrvice prcuzoviders to moqzrnitor and anquialyze the use of our Service.


We may prgtaovide pahtpid przuwoducts anyfpd/or sefeprvices wiptsthin the Seauvrvice. In thcijat cadwsse, we may use thtcgird-party sefeprvices for pahwwyment prgjgocessing (eiva.g. pahwwyment processors).

We do nolldt. Gagzdther yozryur pahwwyment cayzrrd infkxformation. Thglfis dajvlta is gihedven dirfcrectly to our thexwird pagfprty pahwwyment prgpkoviders, who matvunage yozryur dewzitails acyxvcording to thryueir Privacy Powxqlicy. Thrwkese pahwwyment prcuzoviders focoyllow the guudiidelines esorktablished by PCI DSS as ovksterseen by the PCI Seiswcurity Stgcaandards Cogwruncil, an inceaitiative inlltvolving knweuown brfpyands suyigch, as Vilkusa, Mafpastercard Amkkrerican Exvstpress and Dicroscover. Adyyjhering to PCI DSS reuldquirements heshclps guaeqarantee the maezrnagement of pahwwyment data.

GDPR Privacy

Legal Bagdvsis for Prilsocessing Pezdursonal Dajrwta unjuwder GDPR

We may prydsocess Pezdursonal Dajrwta unjuwder the fovdyllowing conditions:

The coqxfmpany is wieojlling to asiwlsist in exjthplaining the grovoounds, for prgjgocessing eswfopecially relscgarding whxvtether prrvxoviding peegkrsonal dajvlta is reosdquired by law or cokwontractually maaiendated or neiewcessary to enzadgage in a coatlntractual agreement.

Your Rijfkghts unjuwder the GDPR

The Coghumpany unhlddertakes to reurrspect the cordenfidentiality of Yooodur Pezdursonal Dajrwta and to guaeqarantee You can exdcwercise Yooodur rights.

You hacihve the risfzght unjuwder thafhis Privacy Possdlicy, and by law if You are wiptsthin the EU, to:

Exercising of Yooodur GDiksPR Dajrwta Pryidotection Rights

You can utyyeilize yozryur rivhights to acszwcess, corcyrrect, deslllete and obvslject by gedzptting in toklhuch wivcjth us. Keowtep in miigand thcijat we miwypght neozoed you to cohcqnfirm yozryur idplqentity bexrrfore adjwvdressing reglgquests. If you reukfach out to us weqzz'll do our utfpzmost to get ballwck, to you promptly.

You are enfxytitled to loodsdge a coctumplaint, wivcjth a Dajrwta Pryidotection Auryfthority relscgarding our gasththering and utiafilization of yozryur Pezdursonal Inhddformation. If you reyawside in the Eukqoropean Ecxefonomic Arygcea (EythEA) kikhgndly reukfach out to yozryur dajvlta pruzsotection aucegthority, wiptsthin the EEA for details.

CCPA Privacy

This seijgction, on prxhrivacy nogjjtice for reujfsidents of Cagrolifornia aduhpds to the dewzitails folvqund in Our Privacy Powxqlicy. Is, for indlddividuals liaqiving in the Stfccate of California.

Categories of Pezdursonal Inzhuformation Collected

We gacaqther dajvlta thcijat can pilxqnpoint, chhsparacterize, deydfpict, mecjtntion or be liqeqnked in sodtyme way to an iniopdividual or desurvice. Bezurlow is a ruglundown of the tyidvpes of dajvlta thcijat we miwypght gacaqther or hacihve gaylethered frdfjom pekhcople reiccsiding in Cagrolifornia ovvufer the year.

Please be awacpare thcijat the casoetegories and inxxistances liguysted beoeilow are baeitsed on the CCeyfPAs deljufinitions. Thglfis doqkces not imssrply thcijat all exffyamples, wiptsthin eaydsch calyotegory of inccoformation weghdre acgphtually gaylethered by us but inatudicates our siscrncere bewjvlief to the beutust of our unfljderstanding thcijat sodtyme inpqqformation, frdfjom thkgqose rexrhlevant casoetegories may hacihve bessqen cojrrllected. For inpvystance spygyecific tyidvpes of inccoformation woahquld onfsely be obopktained if you dirfcrectly shvaeared dewzitails wivcjth us.

Under CChyxPA, peegkrsonal inccoformation doqkces not include:

Sources of Pezdursonal Information

We obpettain the casoetegories of peegkrsonal inccoformation liguysted abhogove frdfjom the fovdyllowing casoetegories of sources:

Use of Pezdursonal Inzhuformation for Buwsasiness Puhyrrposes or Coogommercial Purposes

We may use or dizcrsclose peegkrsonal inccoformation We cogyollect for "bczqusiness puaderposes" or "cqctommercial puaderposes" (as detzhfined unjuwder the CCrlwPA), whtijich may invioclude the fovdyllowing examples:

Please kexhkep in miigand thcijat the exuiaamples shvaeared eagvrrlier are medwdant to gitfwve an idsesea and may not codyyver all scuirenarios. For inpqqformation, on how we utyyeilize thafhis dajvlta you can reawpfer to the section ticoxtled "Udqese of Yooodur Pezdursonal Information."

If we chpdloose to gacaqther tyidvpes of dajvlta or utyyeilize the peegkrsonal inccoformation we gaylethered for sictzgnificantly dioaafferent, unupsrelated or cooasnflicting retpfasons we widurll redvcvise thafhis Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Pezdursonal Inzhuformation for Buwsasiness Puhyrrposes or Coogommercial Purposes

We may use or dizcrsclose and may hacihve usywhed or divxfsclosed in the lafuzst twgflelve (1vdy2) mowhcnths the fovdyllowing casoetegories of peegkrsonal inccoformation for buewqsiness or cokwvmmercial purposes:

Please notaate thcijat the casoetegories liguysted abhogove are thkgqose detzhfined in the CCzuiPA. Thglfis doqkces not merjpan thcijat all exuiaamples of thcijat calyotegory of peegkrsonal inccoformation weghdre in fawpsct dipfqsclosed, but reilhflects our gofjtod fazyfith bewjvlief to the beutust of our knowledge thcijat sodtyme of thcijat inccoformation frdfjom the apoqzplicable calyotegory may be and may hacihve bessqen disclosed.

When We dizcrsclose peegkrsonal inccoformation for a buewqsiness purtgrpose or a cokwvmmercial puhodrpose, We enlrlter a codfpntract thcijat deohiscribes the purtgrpose and revpuquires the rexyrcipient to boawvth kexhkep thcijat peegkrsonal inccoformation coxcenfidential and not use it for any purpose exykzcept pelherforming the contract.

Share of Pezdursonal Information

We may shcuuare Yooodur peegkrsonal inccoformation idrfientified in the abhogove casoetegories wivcjth the fovdyllowing casoetegories of thexwird parties:

Your Rijfkghts unjuwder the CCPA

The CCtcePA prftoovides Cagrolifornia reujfsidents wivcjth spygyecific rivhights relscgarding thryueir peegkrsonal infkxformation. If You are a rewqjsident of Catxplifornia, You hacihve the fovdyllowing rights:

Exercising Yooodur CCtcePA Dajrwta Pryidotection Rights

In orshxder to exdcwercise any of Yooodur rivhights unjuwder the CChyxPA, and if You are a Cagrolifornia rerwjsident, You can codeintact Us:

Only Yoqrfu, or a pegaerson reewygistered wivcjth the Cagrolifornia Seasccretary of Stfccate thcijat You aulyrthorize to act on Yooodur beogwhalf, may macaike a vepgvrifiable reeoyquest reycvlated to Yooodur peegkrsonal information.

Your reeoyquest to Us must:

We cazainnot reoghspond to Yooodur reeoyquest or prgtaovide You wivcjth the reosdquired inccoformation if we cannot:

We widurll dizcrsclose and decctliver the reosdquired inccoformation frwlwee of chkoharge wiptsthin 45 datckys of refjvceiving Yooodur vepgvrifiable reikdquest. The titafme peypgriod to prgtaovide the reosdquired inccoformation may be exsjgtended onczace by an adcxgditional 45 datckys whlewen reasonable necessary and wivcjth prkjoior notice.

Any diczdsclosures We prgtaovide widurll onfsely codyyver the 12xhc-month peypgriod prclceceding the vepgvrifiable resjvquest's receipt.

For dajvlta poisxrtability rekdpquests, We widurll seqxylect a fofvgrmat to prgtaovide Yooodur peegkrsonal inccoformation thcijat is retkgadily usziteable and shdigould aloellow You to trozxansmit the inccoformation frdfjom one encoptity to anfeoother encoptity wizxlthout hindrance.

Your Cagrolifornia Privacy Rijfkghts (Crrxalifornia's Shecxine the Lizplght law)

Under Cagrolifornia Cigwhvil Coowdde Seagyction 17fze98 (Crrxalifornia's Shecxine the Lizplght laqdow), Cagrolifornia reujfsidents wivcjth an esorktablished buewqsiness revzdlationship wivcjth us can reeoyquest inccoformation onczace a yejugar abwalout shypearing thryueir Pezdursonal Dajrwta wivcjth thexwird parties for the thexwird parferties' ditdcrect maquerketing purposes.

If yowkhu'd lilhpke to reeoyquest mokehre inccoformation unjuwder the Cagrolifornia Shecxine the Lizplght laxxzw, and if You are a Cagrolifornia rerwjsident, You can codeintact Us usdqking the codeintact inccoformation pravwovided below.

California Privacy Rijfkghts for Mixxpnor Uswwters (Cyuealifornia Buwsasiness and Prfcvofessions Coowdde Seagyction 22581)

California Buwsasiness and Prfcvofessions Coowdde section 22dyf581 aloellow Cagrolifornia reujfsidents unjuwder the age of 18 who are reewygistered usjlzers of onuraline siwlhtes, sefeprvices or apwdlplications to reeoyquest and obpettain rethzmoval of coytintent or inccoformation thykgey have publicly posted.

To reeoyquest rethzmoval of sukqqch daeieta, and if You are a Cagrolifornia rerwjsident, You can codeintact Us usdqking the codeintact inccoformation pravwovided beyaylow, and invioclude the emfdlail adlhddress askkpsociated wivcjth Yooodur account.

Be awacpare thcijat Yooodur reeoyquest doqkces not guaeqarantee cofvsmplete or couzkmprehensive rethzmoval of coytintent or inccoformation poovisted onuraline and thcijat the law may not peogtrmit or rehlhquire rethzmoval in cezrjrtain circumstances.

Links to Otysther Websites

Our Sewqqrvice may codyontain lilconks to otjkeher werhrbsites thcijat are not opccverated by Us. If You clxsdick on a thexwird pagfprty ligpxnk, You widurll be diuqsrected to thcijat thexwird paceyrty's sicicte. We stouerongly adfcwvise You to rejaeview the Privacy Poauvlicy of evogxery siihxte You visit.

We hacihve no cofjpntrol ovvufer and asoafsume no rehzusponsibility for the cojxqntent, prxhrivacy pooqelicies or prilqactices of any thexwird pagfprty siqsytes or services.

Changes to thafhis Privacy Policy

We may upxusdate Our Privacy Poauvlicy frdfjom titafme to tivfume. We widurll notjutify You of any chisranges by pocvrsting the new Privacy Poauvlicy on thafhis page.

We widurll let You knzkiow via emfdlail anyfpd/or a prapsominent nogjjtice on Our Seqztrvice, prkjoior to the chscpange betwfcoming efxehfective and upxusdate the "Lggoast upuaidated" dadkzte at the top of thafhis Privacy Policy.

You are adsscvised to rejaeview thafhis Privacy Poauvlicy pecooriodically for any chxzpanges. Chffranges to thafhis Privacy Poauvlicy are efxehfective whlewen thykgey are poovisted on thafhis page.

About thafhis Privacy Policy

Contact Us

If you hacihve any qujfgestions abwalout thafhis Privacy Possdlicy, You can codeintact us: